As previously announced SEO Local Grup Barcelona moved to another of the traditional enclaves of Catalonia is well worth the visit, yes to highlight a much larger influx of people, perhaps in part because the spring awakens the urge to "take to the field."
is certainly an experience to ferrywomen congost by narrow paths carved by their literally on the rock, which imposes certain respect for the height at which it is and how narrow the road that barely fit 2 people lying close beside each other ...
Click on the pictures to see larger
The star of the day was undoubtedly the flamboyance Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria we had fun for a long time regardless of our presence, as the inaccessibility of which gave him that assurance was not to leave "beeping" chased away by the astonished gaze of the group as children, almost agolpábamos us to enjoy your presence ...
The star of the day (female specimen Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria ) | |
GL |
the pont de Sant Jaume |
Throughout the tour we also find these traces.
Marten droppings |
fox droppings |
Agateador común Certhia brachydactyla Raspinell comú 1
Aguilucho lagunero Circus aeruginosus Arpella 2
Alimoche común Neophron percnopterus Aufrany >15
Anade Real Anas platyrhynchos Anec collverd 4
martins Delichon urbica Oreneta cuablanca 2
crag Ptyonoprogne Roquerol 17
rupestris Common Buzzard Gyps fulvus Voltor >20
Buscarla pintoja Locustella naevia Boscarler pintat gros 1
Carbonero Común Parus major Mallarenga carbonera >10
Cernícalo vulgar Falco tinnunculus Xoriguer comú 7
Chova piquirroja Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Gralla de bec vermell >20
Colirrojo tizón Phoenicurus ochrurus Cotxa fumada 3
Cormorán grande Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 4
black crow Corvus corone corone Carrion Crow 4
Corvus corax Raven x
capirotada warblers Sylvia atricapilla blackcap 2
Curruca sp Sylvia sp Tallarol sp
Escribano soteño Emberiza cirlus Gratapalles 2
Escribano sp Emberiza sp Emberiza sp 1
Estornino negro Sturnus unicolor Estornell black> 20
Garza Ardea cinerea Bernat pescaire 3
common swallow ; Hirundo rustica Orenetes vulgar 2
Gorrion Sparrow Passer domesticus Common Community 8
Grajilla Corvus monedula Gralla >10
Halcón peregrino Falco peregrinus Falcó pelegrí 1
Herrerillo común Parus caeruleus Mallarenga blava 3
jilguero Carduelis carduelis Cadernera 5
Motacilla alba Cuereta Lavandera blanca blanca Milano Negro Milvus migrans 5
Milà negre> 30
Milano real Milvus milvus Milà reial >10
Mirlo común Turdus merula Merla 3
Mito Aegithalos caudatus Mallarenga cuallarga 2
Mosquitero sp Phylloscopus sp Mosquito sp 1 Woodpigeon Columba
palumbus Tudó> 15
Robin , Erithacus rubecula Pit-Roig 4
Woodpecker Dendrocopos major achievements gated Picot 4
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs community Pins 8
Woodpecker Picus viridis ; Picot verd 1
Trencalòs Vulture Gypaetus barbatus 2
Buteo buteo Ratonero comune Aligot> 10
Somormujo lavanco Podiceps cristatus Cabussó emplomallat ; 4
Saxicola torquata Tarabilla comune Bitxac comú 3
Tortola Streptopelia common turtur Turkish Tórtora 2
nuthatch Sitta europaea, Pica-tighten blau , 3
Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria Pela-rocks 1
Bunting Miliaria calandra Cruixidell 1
Urraca Pica pica Garsa >5
Verdecillo Serinus serinus Gafarró >10
Zorzal charlo Turdus viscivorus Griva 1
Thrush Turdus sp sp sp x
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