Thursday, March 31, 2011

Women Follando With Animals

Hi guys, what taaaaaal but what requeteguapetones YOU ARE goblet, note that these winds of early spring are good for us localera brains. We

Captains few days of MIL and MIL's blog hahaha! For life, truth, saints? Sometimes there colmatamenta information, and sometimes there are other occupations that prevent post in general. Life, always commands.

So I break the ice Blogilo ciborium, reminding all of the local comrades today we see the faces in the reunion of GH , from about 9 at night if you please. No shortage of classics: olivillos, mejillonámenes ( the house of mejijón-lo-lo-lo ), yelling, people talking in a thousand simultaneous conversations, threats of pum-pum-pum, real pumpumpumes even silent type sprinkler requests who loves to sail ( tssh tssh tssh tssss-sssssh tssh-SSSH ) hahaha to xopy.

All this will happen today, if you want God to come alive to witness the marathon timba yesterday: 2 in the morning we were absorbed in a titanic game Age Of Empires 3, 4 humans ( Vela, Pivan, and Majer Ñiyo \u200b\u200b) v 4 ( computer) on hard, in the end overcome!! Made 2 hours of departure and two liters of eyedrops to hold out his eyes open, but sisi, challenge overcome. What's next? Timba is still evolving, INSERT COIN NEXT LEVEL Arde router, switcher, and network cables uaAAAaAAAA A AAAAA:

See you in a reunion FUCKERS!! Dear

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Disposal of Mont-Rebei Congost

As previously announced SEO Local Grup Barcelona moved to another of the traditional enclaves of Catalonia is well worth the visit, yes to highlight a much larger influx of people, perhaps in part because the spring awakens the urge to "take to the field."

is certainly an experience to ferrywomen congost by narrow paths carved by their literally on the rock, which imposes certain respect for the height at which it is and how narrow the road that barely fit 2 people lying close beside each other ...

Click on the pictures to see larger

The star of the day was undoubtedly the flamboyance Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria we had fun for a long time regardless of our presence, as the inaccessibility of which gave him that assurance was not to leave "beeping" chased away by the astonished gaze of the group as children, almost agolpábamos us to enjoy your presence ...

The star of the day (female specimen Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria )

the pont de Sant Jaume
Throughout the tour we also find these traces.

Marten droppings

fox droppings

Both on the way to the congost as in the same congost enjoy numerous bird observations detailed below.

Agateador común    Certhia brachydactyla    Raspinell comú        1
Aguilucho lagunero    Circus aeruginosus    Arpella        2
Alimoche común    Neophron percnopterus    Aufrany        >15
Anade Real    Anas platyrhynchos Anec collverd 4
martins Delichon urbica Oreneta cuablanca 2
crag Ptyonoprogne Roquerol 17
rupestris Common Buzzard Gyps fulvus    Voltor        >20
Buscarla pintoja    Locustella naevia    Boscarler pintat gros        1
Carbonero Común    Parus major    Mallarenga carbonera        >10
Cernícalo vulgar    Falco tinnunculus    Xoriguer comú        7
Chova piquirroja    Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax    Gralla de bec vermell        >20
Colirrojo tizón    Phoenicurus ochrurus    Cotxa fumada        3
Cormorán grande    Phalacrocorax carbo    Cormorant 4
black crow Corvus corone corone Carrion Crow 4
Corvus corax Raven x
capirotada warblers Sylvia atricapilla blackcap     2
Curruca sp    Sylvia sp    Tallarol sp    
Escribano soteño    Emberiza cirlus    Gratapalles        2
Escribano sp    Emberiza sp    Emberiza sp        1
Estornino negro    Sturnus unicolor    Estornell black> 20
Garza Ardea cinerea Bernat pescaire 3
common swallow ; Hirundo rustica Orenetes vulgar 2
Gorrion Sparrow Passer domesticus Common Community     8
Grajilla    Corvus monedula    Gralla        >10
Halcón peregrino    Falco peregrinus    Falcó pelegrí        1
Herrerillo común    Parus caeruleus    Mallarenga blava        3
jilguero Carduelis carduelis Cadernera 5
Motacilla alba Cuereta Lavandera blanca blanca Milano Negro Milvus migrans 5
Milà negre> 30
Milano real Milvus milvus    Milà reial        >10
Mirlo común    Turdus merula    Merla        3
Mito    Aegithalos caudatus    Mallarenga cuallarga        2
Mosquitero sp    Phylloscopus sp    Mosquito sp 1 Woodpigeon Columba
palumbus Tudó> 15
Robin , Erithacus rubecula Pit-Roig 4
Woodpecker Dendrocopos major achievements gated Picot 4
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs community Pins 8
Woodpecker Picus viridis ; Picot verd 1
Trencalòs Vulture Gypaetus barbatus 2
Buteo buteo Ratonero comune Aligot> 10
Somormujo lavanco Podiceps cristatus Cabussó emplomallat ; 4
Saxicola torquata Tarabilla comune Bitxac comú 3
Tortola Streptopelia common turtur Turkish Tórtora 2
nuthatch Sitta europaea, Pica-tighten blau , 3
Treparriscos Tichodroma muraria Pela-rocks 1
Bunting Miliaria calandra    Cruixidell        1
Urraca    Pica pica    Garsa        >5
Verdecillo    Serinus serinus    Gafarró        >10
Zorzal charlo    Turdus viscivorus    Griva 1
Thrush Turdus sp sp sp x

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Coverletter For Extras


localeros, birthday today one of the partners saints The Local Life , Italian to be exact, architect and even the good, the holy Vic !!!!!!!

Well kid, you know that the premises will have a special affection, even Moncho himself has taken the Picassa and gives you this cute detail:

ultra Spend a day and visit soon Coupon! Or failing that, the Mac mount a great show in Madrid, and the revelry is servidísima!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cervical Position One Week Before Period


Holiiiiiiiii all, saints all localeros gold! What about kids, how about those weekends delicious? Poque see that there has been movement localero eh? Andorra that if that if travel surprises lovebirds that if San Martin del Rio again .... sisi, we have moved in general.

timbero sector has hit a homage as God commands in San Martín del Rio in a surprise trip-lightning was the delight of lovers of the countryside, carnucias, sleeping well and playing better. The Santa Beatriz needed to stay this weekend in the town since, and take this opportunity to inform if anyone is outdated, his grandfather has left the hospital and sober and has returned to the residence, which as you know is in Daroca. Siiiiiiiii what little trouble we had to accompany timberos hahaha! FA-CIL

Good good good tioris chiuuuuu and what can we say? Hombreee as such and as is evident we were of timba in new space that had not yet colonized: San Martin. jajajaj board was suddenly so much technology in that house index rises almost


Another fact of vital importance is the total timba joining the game AGE OF EMPIRES 3 , which we managed to engage in Bea, and we love Coupon! If someone is not pointing to the poker games with the excuse of not wanting to hit shots against Terrorist counters, is now egg! Age of Empires strategy game par excellence, to think and enjoy!

more. Sunday Tato and Cucoyu come on and we hit a solcete Sunday, beer, vermouth, and delicious grilled carnaria:

addition also came Bea's cousins \u200b\u200bwith the niece of cucanga niñaaaa that mahaaaa!! (I guess it's okay to put this photo, if it does not comment on it and removed Beatriz ok?)

bueeeno in conclusion: ULTRA ALL! Aiba that I forgot, we had an extra guest this weekend, the Perram's Nose Tato, mother of god if he has been ill all weekend, that dog will not never tired o ke? And to rule over, look at the video jajaj:

aaaai kids how gambling, right? same thing as we have experienced in the past, Marty. La Almunia to be exact, Gery sion? SANTA ONA hahaha!!

delicious Well, for those interested you please the fotiiiicos ordered and the video, you have everything in this link . The password, yeah you know wellllll

Friday, March 18, 2011

Heart Palpitations Aneurysm

PREMIERE OF "THE CLASH" does not disappoint

Indeed gentlemen, the debut of the blown- basurógena-televised "Big Brother, a reunion" did not disappoint the massive localero public who gathered at the premises maherianas of The Life Local .

bubonic A compendium of characters come out of all the realities of the last decade appeared before our eyes, remembering our own past pieces of television that we had almost forgotten.

Among the poison, we can dig and find unique moments, such that momentazo when it seemed that both mothers and mothers-Chari and Ruben were about to enter the house as two contestants: scary, faces abobinación between localeros but in the end, there was consummated the folly of putting these abuelópteras in a war that at first they were too big.

But undoubtedly, the moment caused the general laughter alias " eyelet heading up " happened when he entered the house while mythical bubonic Coyote Dax, and began to greet attendees, and developed a micro-conversation with the equally mythical Chiqui Martí , which gave her a pearl unwittingly already localero history of Big Brother, here it is:


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watch I Still Dream Of Jeannie Online


a straw and show yourselves NEW ITEMS THAT WE HAVE DONE, AND REVIEW THE WAKE classical repertoire McFLY DUO FORMAT. PLANAZO A THURSDAY ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why Do Tampons Give Me Headaches


Dantesco gentlemen spectacle of nature, the poor Japanese, Bubonic!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Remove A Small Tattoo From Home


Jajaja Well, after the stunning image of Mercedes Mila Cruz A FITO A CONTRAPECHUMEN, courtesy of The Holy localera photography, let's talk necessary infrastructure for the event localero par excellence, BIG BROTHER FINAL. Today

end all, and Casamaher will witness the great unity of the family localera bubonic on this program, Why? Because we expect a true meeting of golden saints, could be around 13 characters localeros today and always: Bea, Laura, Gery, Pivan, Sailing, Pili, Eber, Laura, Leti, Ruben, Eber, Laura and myself.

Possible consequences of putting us in the 13 Casamaher room hahaha yes yes, the black and white is a death camp jajajaja Nazi

So many people under one roof and with the same neighbor (lol) requires protocol changes regarding Timbas-GH previous weeks:

1 - The first is that I hired a security officer to pique your tickets at the door and place order.

2 - The second is that I have shored downstairs, because I understand that the calculated structures that can withstand the weight of many people, but I'm not so much.

3 - The third is that I rented a jet engine for the living room because the smoke that can be mounted cause severe lung problems, vision and crujura. Then, a possible image of living Casamaher at 23:00 h when it is known the winner of this edition of GH

4 - The fourth , and most importantly ( perhaps because it is the only true ) is that the face of expected state of physical impossibility that all of us fit in the room with guarantees of being able to watch TV better than from the 4 th amphitheater Bernabeu, there are 2 locations to TV to subdivide the timba and we all can be a little more comfortable.

Paice Did you? Establish the 21:15 h curfew for example?

How To Solve Level 19 In Electric Box

Image unpublished final GH12 ARCHITECTURE

Agents secrets of 'The place of life "have achieved unprecedented picture of the gala-final tonight GH12:

That fufufufufufufueeeerte !!!!! and has the bitch eh?!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Is The Scale Measure Of Hogwarts


But what you are flat? Well, first of txoooody it is clear that it's Wednesday, so timba blablabla blablabla buy pumps to see if the bodies we feel like sangruna blablabla blablabla .... clearly not? Come even I dare-take-porculo-the-pennies and set 20:30 pm as the time left in general, and this is subject to change at any jajajaj time ( notice.)

Peeeero apart from these tioris Timba, lame and radical change of pace and if-if I'm going to make that gamble by inserting a culture in a blog post in which culture, what culture is .... PO-QUI-CA jajajaja yes or no?? There is more culture in a Carmen de Mairena potada this blog uaAAAAla not that.

Well, actually not much culture to see. It dropped us a project on the study of housing rehabilitation in Duquesa Villahermosa corner of Via Hispanidad. We're talking about typical housing blocks built by Franco's friend back in the 50's to get families like sardines in a building if then they were a little stale, imagine 60 years later: bubonic buildings made all equal, 3-4 floors without elevator, with facades facing punishment, with linen pants and lying on the front dripping water onto the sidewalk, neighbors with satellite dishes to peer out of the facades, the one that puts the green shade, the other blue ..... In short, if, if, bubonic! For

have instructed us to give them a good makeover: the renovation of the facade, elevator installation, refurbishment of facilities ... ie take a horrible building and leave it as a brush. It may seem an impossible task, seeing the current state of these buildings:

This bubonez turn it into something like this:

whether or not it amazing? But if they look new COOO! This last picture is the next block that we have to do, who have completed rehabilitation and is a joy to see!

MOOOOLA! Good project and good company to make it happen: Angelo, Quintaniiiiiiiiil, and Javi prisoners always Burrows and Scofield Majer:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gravely Commercial 12

Lauras nigerrima

Zoo basin: and Mac-caco Monobea

Pilo and Veil, handsome!

INSERSO: Ivan Senior and Mr. Kasenian (or whatever)


to a new installment of .. . MUTATIONS IN THE LOCAAaaAAAAAaa to aAAALLLL