Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clear Plastic Cover For Countertop

Since 1995 he has conducted more than 30 performances and 45 individually and collectively. He has performed with his performances in some cities in Spain. He has been invited to present their work at international festivals performative Performance as the "International Performance" Ex Teresa Arte Actual, CONACULTA. "Performagia National Festival (UNAM). He has made short films and feature films. He has participated in organizing cultural events like the Festival of San Francisco" . publishes several magazines and newspapers in virtual and paper. Make digital painting and has had 10 exhibitions of his work in places like the Universidad Iberoamericana and the Universidad del Altiplano. He has taught performance workshops in the city of Barcelona Spain and Mexico, Puebla , Tlaxcala. Write stories, poetry, novel, screenplay. currently part of performative visual poetry collective "The Herd" which develops a digital painting project for history and comic feature film board.



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