ARGENTINA. DRAFT NEGOTIATING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xumSb3Vfatk
2007/2008 / Veronica Meloni
descriptive-conceptual memory
... Oncativo to 200. Red Zone. Cordoba: The micro-context is also the door of my house. The perfect place to begin a series of video-performances. The project has no negotiation or linear development process. In a field of pure experimentation, transfer of certain concepts of semiotics relating to social behavior, behavioral my own body.
My body as bait. The gaze proceeds by landslides, and creates an icon of all separable body-image that obeys the similarity. The very act of stand (I stand, I hope I look) in the red zone, is a fragment of a behavioral sequence of prostitution. My body-connection icon in the dynamic (interactional social behavior) and space (social structures) with the senses or memory of another who serves as a sign. BEHAVIOR
My body as operator of the negotiation. Significant body within a complex network of references. A given behavior is answered with a sequence the same behavior. A bid will be answered with another offer.
discrimination occurs between the behavior to comply (exchange offer) and the context in which the behavior occurs. In this way it becomes possible to transfer the same type of behavior to new situations and vice versa, in a given situation display different behaviors.
Before and after the intervention of language (dialogue, negotiation).
My negotiation is to offer the "potential customers" take their photograph, portrait type, and delivered within one week. Demand-sex (for money). Bid-photograph (picture). About NEGOTIATION
and the concept of Bio-code.
A Bio-code structure within a discursive network, is a sign that it has waived its two-dimensionality: a significant body would come to invest the continuous process of abstraction and generalization of social field.
My performance is a "break" in the linear process in the ordered set of fixed sequences, activities and socially expected and accepted behavior.
A bio-code, then, an operator of a chain breaking behaviors. It is a fissure to the freedom that bet on the mimetic approach of other bodies and other behaviors through the exchange and forwarding. The intercorporealidad
which is the process of socialization, bío-códigos/cuerpos paths which do not meet the behavioral model generalizing (which makes the body lose their versatility semantics) will be suppressed and / or prohibited.
A progressive action prohibitions and breaks in the chain of bio-codes, lead to "suspension of tours" abstract form of censorship on the bodies of the performers.
A suspension is a point of stillness within a network, a bio-turned-icon code, which is not wiped out ... because it is a starting point of another journey, another slide into channels previously affected by repression.
is possible to select routes banned (Replace what not to look, to stand as an icon, as a screen, in the same spot where another route has been suspended).
You could say that this process of socialization of contacts intercorpóreos is "depleted" when they appear "fixed points", that is what I call iconization, transformed into body / icon.
My intention is to overcome the icon as "significant package", from experimentation, from the action, from my body and from the latter in contact with the other. Back to reactivate journeys, trips living, not as the sole source of meaning but as passage and as endless process of depersonalization, like a body without organs ...
conditions of production / distribution / profile of my work thus become very complex and show a mismatch with the discursive phenomena of our society, especially with the art.
Negotiation is a living document of this mismatch, represents nothing, presents only one point on the linearity of this process. Veronica Meloni
March 2009
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