Sunday, August 29, 2010

Facial Moisturizerneutrogena

IX Conference Participatory Democracy - Tentative Program Management Course Community

IX Conference on Participatory Democracy

New participatory practices: mechanisms, tools and technologies in governance

September 23, 2010

National Day of Political scientist / a

Manzana de las Luces - Peru 270 - CABA - 14 to 20 hours.


Local Observatory of Participatory Democracy

Civil Partnership Mariano Moreno


National Agency for Science and Technology Sponsorship

Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA
School of Law, UNMDP
Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político SAAP
Municipal Affairs Secretariat, Ministry Interior's Office
Secretariat of Culture of the Nation
Participatory Budget Network


14 hours. Accreditation

14.30 hs. Opening . Opening and welcome.

  • Ms. Elisa Bin - Civil Association President Mariano Moreno
  • Mr. Paul Caruso - Argentina Red Participatory Budgeting

14.45 hs. Program Presentation

  • Observatory of Participatory Democracy and Local Magazine Participatory Demos. "

charge of Mr. Moroni and Mr. Fernando Martínez Esther

15.00 hs. Panel: Local Management. Contributions of ICT `s in management processes public.

  • Pablo Quiroga - Secretary of Planning - City of Chascomús.
  • Alberto Eduardo Thill - Under Secretary for Management Technology - SGP - JGM - Government Alejandra Fonseca - Specializing in Virtual Environments
  • Carlos Sortino - Participatory Budget Coordinator - La Plata

Stephanie Coordinates Otero - Mariano Moreno Civil Partnership

16 hours. Agora simultaneous Debate and Reflection Papers and Experiences

  • limitations to democratic participation in public space. Access channels and mechanisms of citizenship.

Dr. Jorge Baletto coordinates.

  • Impact of Information and Communication Technologies the mechanisms for citizen participation.

Mr. Maira Bernis and Mr. Martin Barbaglia

  • participatory methods in the process of Local Management and Governance. Coordinates. Mr. Rodrigo Borges and Mr. Nicholas Juncal.
  • Paper Presentation: Critical Tolerance and Active Citizenship. Red Without Borders. Ana Maria Abuin coordinates.

17:30 hs. Café

18 hours. Panel: Citizen Participation in Public Management. Are there channels of accessibility to facilitate the relationship Civil Society and State?

Panelists invited to confirm:

  • Ms. Sandra Russo - Journalist 678, Página/12 and Teaching in Journalism
  • Ms. Silvia
  • La Ruffa - Metropolitan Policy Undersecretary of the Ministry Government, Province of Buenos Aires
  • Dr. Peter Pírez - Professor of "Municipal Governments and Metropolitan Cities", UBA.
  • Dr. Alberto Ford - Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Political Science RR II, UNR.

Coordinates Mr. Ricardo Romero - Mariano Moreno Civil Partnership

19.30 hs. Close . Delivery of awards and certificates.

Reports: / /

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kates Playground Vibrates

Alejandro Jaramillo Hoyos

Scenic Artist + performante
video producer. Experience in design, creative direction of communication strategies and cultural education.
studied psychology at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Master of Communication and Education in the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Graduate Cultural Cooperation at the University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bInterdisciplinary MA in Theatre and Live Arts at the National University of Colombia. Performance

His latest stage show is called in this country no longer cook, which has the theme of social conflicts in Colombia and its impact on the decision to live or not live in the country.
has collaborated in performances with various artists such as Emilio García Wehbi (Jakob von Gunten: A Journal - National University, 2007), Leo Kadel (Art is war: Outcast - Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá, 2008), Juan Navarro (I have a dream: first convention masters and slaves - Fiesta Spain - Mapa Teatro, 2008), Malcolm Smith (Festival of Performance de Cali, 2008). Samples

Individual and collective:
- In this country no longer cook. Urban Kitchen. Quito. 2010.
- Monday and Tuesday performance at The Factory - L'explose. Bogotá. 2010
- Samples teachers performance in The Hub. Bogotá. 2009.
- Operation Antelope. Study. Bogotá. 2009.
- II International Living Arts. Art Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá. 2009. Contact

Calle 74A No. 20C - 48 Mobile: 3108842034 Bogotá - Colombia

Work for


In this country no longer cook

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vehicle Wrapped In Animal



Pereira, Colombia 1980. 2003 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. 2008 Specialist in Digital Video Technologies and Online / Offline, Mecad-University de Caldas. 2008 - 2010 Advancement Master's Degree in Interactive Design and Creation of the University of Caldas. MAIN

solo and group exhibitions.
2003-Contemplations. Pereira Centro Colombo Americano. 2005-Evolution. Gallery Square House Bogota. 2006-Regional Picture V. Banco de la Republica de Manizales. 2007-In the body of another. Alliance Française de Colombo Pereira. 2008-Regional Picture VI. Banco de la Republica de Pereira. 2009
-Video Art, Look. Visual Implicit body - Explicit, International Film Festival of Cartagena. - Video performance, Sed. Cadiz Teatro, Bogotá. - Video performance, Look. 8 th International Festival of the Image Manizales. - Video performance, Look. Art Museum of the National University of Colombia at Bogotá. - 2009 - 2010 Hall Regional Artists West Central region. Armenia, Medellin, Barranquilla, Colombia. 2010 - Static Journey. Museo de Arte de Pereira.

PAPERS. 8 º Festival Internacional de la Imagen, academic forum. Manizales. Performance based on his practice as a method of obtaining knowledge of production and artistic authorship. Round table
work: 1. Design, cognition and knowledge transfer. . 13 Congress of Anthropology in Colombia Universidad de los Andes. Symposium Culture and Drugs. Remedy as experience
collaborative aesthetic performances

* 2004 - 2010, Professor of the University Foundation of the Andean Pereira, Colombia. For programs: fashion design and graphic design. Icon Group researcher and sticks the same university. Join

nolocal with the video performance VIRTUAL PAINT Paint
Virtual Synopsis: Video Art on a research-creation of the relations established between virtual environments with performance art and some American shamanic healing. Presents traditional healing purposes in the art institution (museum, Hall of artists) through relational strategies of co-authorship. Http://

Friday, August 13, 2010

White Spot On My Gum From Whitestrips


My personal history has been built in the end, because for me there is no middle ground. I am an artist living in day to day, I think there is no return, there is everything "days were better" nor do I believe that the future may be, only the present, the immediate is what allows us to survive. My memories, my memory is expressed in a work of art, the scar is the memory latency, is a mark on the body, is the experience that is full of pictures that hit my senses.

"... it is rather the memory of the experience. And as we all know, all have a bad memory, the memory always fades ... disappearing what interests me is the memory that is being forgotten and that's where my work fits ... "

The artwork helps us to think about memory and reinterpreting it. It is not about reliving a moment but closer to that time and somehow immortalize. Seeking to make scars in the memory, the memory materialized, and so the memory does not forget.

My work is to immortalize family experiences and change what it meant to live in the countryside to live in a city then, social conflicts. This work is autobiographical because it shows my experiences and what you interpret them. Are my problems and my ways of solving them. Coca and cocaine are the symbolic objects of my work by my proximity to the plant and its process, and the influence it has had on my personal and artistic development. The coca plant as a symbol, as a drug, such as business, as part of the Colombian icons.

One thing is how the government shows the production and consumption of a plant that they have been seen as cursed, prosecuted as a crime in any scale.
Another thing is the way it perceives the coca and cocaine from the comfort of a chair, a television control and flip-flops while you smell.
Another thing, is what I said, is to feel the entire process firsthand, be part of the alchemy and all that involves marketing. This artwork is the result of direct involvement and visual thinking all I've done so far derived from the process.

is important to me coca and cocaine, while seeking to legitimize the plant and the drug through art that people see the process behind their production and consumption, problems and answers it brings to society .

Scary Tombstone Designs

Hainaut. COLOMBIA / GERMANY. Edinson

"Chicamocha or search Rio" Performance
exposure Dance-Along the Rhine-KIT-
Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009
Concept / Performance: Silvia Ospina
Music: Johannes Eimermacher
Photo: Alwin Lay

Chicamocha is the name of a canyon and a river in the region of Santander. It is also a word that could be caused Guane culture, the community that inhabited the lands of Santander before English conquest. According to researchers in the region this word might mean: Waiting for the bathroom men with courage. This performance, held on German soil, in an exhibition located next to the River Rhine, was danced action seeking the integration of different memories in the present. Silvia

living abroad for 8 years. His position of "foreign" has led to a job that is concerned with the collection of fragments cultural, intellectual and aesthetic with which it has had contact from his years in Colombia and in the new lands he has visited and inhabited today. His work seeks to realize these experiences, which could be compared with a mosaic of fragments form variety, a hybrid fabric which in turn allows you to transcend the limits of the format, to advocate for the mobile, flexible, permeable to the territory / context and the need for movement. The performance

, Silvia is a figure who visits the exhibition site, takes a journey through the exhibits, carefully observed for leave to create a physical impression, reflected in the transformation of his body. Create a river, where recorrdio through space makes connections and weaves his experience of place with its action. He appropriates the area you visit and change "to be washed away slow" (PJ Harvey)

Clairol Complements Color Intensifier



2007/2008 / Veronica Meloni
descriptive-conceptual memory

... Oncativo to 200. Red Zone. Cordoba: The micro-context is also the door of my house. The perfect place to begin a series of video-performances. The project has no negotiation or linear development process. In a field of pure experimentation, transfer of certain concepts of semiotics relating to social behavior, behavioral my own body.

My body as bait. The gaze proceeds by landslides, and creates an icon of all separable body-image that obeys the similarity. The very act of stand (I stand, I hope I look) in the red zone, is a fragment of a behavioral sequence of prostitution. My body-connection icon in the dynamic (interactional social behavior) and space (social structures) with the senses or memory of another who serves as a sign. BEHAVIOR

My body as operator of the negotiation. Significant body within a complex network of references. A given behavior is answered with a sequence the same behavior. A bid will be answered with another offer.

discrimination occurs between the behavior to comply (exchange offer) and the context in which the behavior occurs. In this way it becomes possible to transfer the same type of behavior to new situations and vice versa, in a given situation display different behaviors.
Before and after the intervention of language (dialogue, negotiation).
My negotiation is to offer the "potential customers" take their photograph, portrait type, and delivered within one week. Demand-sex (for money). Bid-photograph (picture). About NEGOTIATION

and the concept of Bio-code.

A Bio-code structure within a discursive network, is a sign that it has waived its two-dimensionality: a significant body would come to invest the continuous process of abstraction and generalization of social field.
My performance is a "break" in the linear process in the ordered set of fixed sequences, activities and socially expected and accepted behavior.

A bio-code, then, an operator of a chain breaking behaviors. It is a fissure to the freedom that bet on the mimetic approach of other bodies and other behaviors through the exchange and forwarding. The intercorporealidad
which is the process of socialization, bío-códigos/cuerpos paths which do not meet the behavioral model generalizing (which makes the body lose their versatility semantics) will be suppressed and / or prohibited.
A progressive action prohibitions and breaks in the chain of bio-codes, lead to "suspension of tours" abstract form of censorship on the bodies of the performers.
A suspension is a point of stillness within a network, a bio-turned-icon code, which is not wiped out ... because it is a starting point of another journey, another slide into channels previously affected by repression.

is possible to select routes banned (Replace what not to look, to stand as an icon, as a screen, in the same spot where another route has been suspended).
You could say that this process of socialization of contacts intercorpóreos is "depleted" when they appear "fixed points", that is what I call iconization, transformed into body / icon.
My intention is to overcome the icon as "significant package", from experimentation, from the action, from my body and from the latter in contact with the other. Back to reactivate journeys, trips living, not as the sole source of meaning but as passage and as endless process of depersonalization, like a body without organs ...

conditions of production / distribution / profile of my work thus become very complex and show a mismatch with the discursive phenomena of our society, especially with the art.
Negotiation is a living document of this mismatch, represents nothing, presents only one point on the linearity of this process. Veronica Meloni

March 2009

The Training Of O Stream