Monday, June 28, 2010

Radioshack 260-0183 Xp


Quiteña of origin and procedures. Artist

interdisciplinary, with training in linguistics and literature, always interested in visual and plastic arts, especially in its theory and production processes. Processes located within an interdisciplinary artistic project, so it has integrated various media and languages \u200b\u200bin the production art (dance, literature, performance, video, installation). Contributor to the performing arts magazine The Pointer. Contemporary dancer and performer. It is part of the collective Art Laundry WASH. Work with Subject to Change, from 1997 until today. Part of CREP-Committee on Public Space Recovery (Rehabilitation Committee Public Space).

"Suicide Practice" (2006) has been exhibited in Quito, Cuenca, New York, Washington DC, Mexico City, Cali, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Ciudad Habana, Zaragoza ... Part of the exhibition "Videoarde, video critic in Latin America and Caribbean ", curated by Laura Baigorri. consists in the new media files in the Multimedia Ecuador and South Belgium.

In 2008, he called the collective-Binding Laboratory, which participated with" Transcultural Minga " in Here, There and everywere, of Transcultural Exchange, Boston, 2009. Shows that appeared in Contemporary Art, Quito. He participated in the meeting of performance Blind Date in Cusco, Peru, 2009. His work has been in Buenos Aires, VideoDanzaBA the festival and the International Festival of Video Art II Camaguey, Cuba. It was part of the meeting of ZONADEARTENACCION, Guinness-Argentina.

promotes collective and giving horizontal building workshops for urban interventions and audiovisual recording. Works collaboratively and political position, to a scene where the prevailing global economic capital, the sense of recognition and status, the positions of power to see other visions of their own that do not meet such interests, to provide an enlarged view time and space to independent management. These workshops were developed in Cusco, Cordoba and Buenos Aires. Expected to continue to establish contacts to spread the art of collective action by all of South America. Video art

Rise of Discrete

Face Carrying 8143

Canyon Meat Practices Series Suicide


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