Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tragus Piercing Earplugs

In defense of free software

Taken from the list of "Free Software Network" RSLCAN

In defense of free software and other civil rights

Network Free Software and Open Source Nicaragua (RSLCAN) and Linux User Groups Nicaragua (GUL-NIC), both member organizations of the community of free and open source software that encompasses hundreds of men and women interested in defending citizens' rights in environments mediated by information and communication technologies and the widespread use free software, we use our right of reply in relation to the article entitled " CSE vulnerable," which was published in The Nuevo Diario on Monday September 29th of this month, and signed by Angelica Martinez.

First, recognize and share the concern of El Nuevo Diario improve the efficiency and safety of public institutions, specifically with regard to public information to manage these entities, while inappropriate use can be detrimental for and citizens.

In this regard, we also recognize as valid the interest mentioned in the print media to highlight the potential vulnerabilities of the website of the Supreme Electoral Council, and that, if confirmed, they could pose a threat to the security and privacy of persons whose data are safeguarded by the electoral authority.

However, we believe that the article in question lacks adequate depth research for addressing these issues as complex and delicate, as it gives a high truth value the opinions of strangers even in the underworld of the so-called "hackers" . Let's examine some of them.

The informant identified as "Anonymous" says: "I would further recommend that [the CSE server] is not free software (Linux), whatever they say, that Windows is less secure, not so."

First, the belief that free software is only the Linux operating system responds to a dull and limited on new information and communication technologies. Today there are hundreds of free software applications running on different platforms such as Java, FreeBSD and even Windows itself, which is a free operating system.

On the other hand, claim that Windows owns Linux is more secure than free is not serious and quite irresponsible. There have been many tests to compare the safety of existing operating systems in which Linux distributions have exceeded those of Windows .

Later, the same respondent "Anonymous" says: "A hacker who knows the software, how operates and how it is encoded (features that make it free), have more opportunity to have the attack to succeed. / I have seen here in Nicaragua, hackers break in and several sides, and most attacks are where there is a server software free. "

The fact that someone living in a house with walls and roof transparent glass is no guarantee that a burglar may be searched and steal what's inside. The ability to access the source code of a software application does not in any public way that provides the key to potential intruders. The logic of the code open rather facilitates the audit of the software before potential failures or deficiencies and the resulting modification to improve it quick and easy. Internally

our organizations (RSLCAN, GUL-NIC) have discussed the technical and, above all, ethical, various attacks carried out in Nicaragua and websites proudly confirm that most of these sites are servers based on free software, a situation that is widespread throughout the internet (according to a survey conducted by Netcraft in the month of September, 50.43% of the world's servers use Apache, a free software. Further details through link below http://news.netcraft.com/ archives / web_server_survey. Html ).

However, "Anonymous" recognizes a complementary manner that "now, the safety of the CSE data base should be well defined for consultation only and do not leave it open, because the hacker can put something malicious. / As an administrator, not leave open for the user to type in a field with existing wildcards (characters used in programming). "

With that statement, the respondent acknowledges that the safety of the CSE database derived from the application used to operationalize the data and make it publicly available through the free server. You further acknowledge that failure security are rooted in the human factor (System Administrator) when it makes inappropriate settings and opens the door, facilitating the work of any "malicious hacker."

There are other statements that are technically and politically contestable, but for reasons of time and space do not address in this communication.

The RSLCAN and GUL-NIC voluntary work and continue to work every day contributing our part to technological development in this country because we are convinced that Nicaragua has sufficient human and spiritual potential to build a just and free for all people who inhabit it. We

clear, however, we need a lot to achieve the goals we set ourselves and we maintain our standing invitation open to individuals and institutions interested in information and communication technologies to collaborate and work together, depending on interest common and shared.

In particular, we make available to El Nuevo Diario and other media experiences and knowledge about the issues of information and communication technologies, in order to enrich the public debate and transparent.

software Red Libre and Open Source Nicaragua (RSLCAN) - Linux User Groups in Nicaragua (GUL-NIC)

September 30, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Much Does A Maryland Bridge Cost

Happy Birthday Fedora Servers

Today September 24 met five years since he released the first version of fedora , Five years of innovation and freedom. Fedora


Note: Image taken from blog JGabriel

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Patricia Nimocks Clear Acrylis Sealer Gloss Msds

Google Linux Repositories

Google has just released a linux repository service. The repositories are for various distributions, you can search the distro of your choice on the official site

Here are the settings for fedora repos:

First Instead, we have to use rpm to install the key, as described in the configuration guide RPM.

As root, add the following to a file called google.repo in / etc / yum.repos.d /:

name = Google - i386 baseurl = http://dl.google
enabled = 1 gpgcheck = 1
If your file contains gpgcheck = 1, the signature is automatically verified during installation.

If you are running a 64-bit distribution, you should also add the x86_64 repository:

name = Google - x86_64 baseurl = http://dl.google.com/linux/rpm/stable/x86_64

enabled = 1 gpgcheck = 1

You can then use yum as usual:
yum install picasa

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bottomless Fish Tank Construction

The safety of Fedora servers were compromised

If you are subscribed to the list fedora-ni, be aware that from a week ago, the fedora updates has not been working well, today announced the cause , it's because the servers were compromised.

News Source in English

Fountain English

Last week we discovered some intruders entered some Fedora servers illegally. We quickly discovered this, and that's why I gave low servers.

specialists and administrators have been working since then to analyze the income and how much was involved, as well as reinstall Fedora systems. We are using this time to update the servers both functionally and for your safety. We continue to work, so be patient. Anyone with pertinent information related to this, please contact with fedora-legal@redhat.com.

One of the compromised servers was the system used for signing Fedora packages. However, based on our efforts, we are sure that the intruder was unable to obtain the FraseSecreta used to unlock the key signature of Fedora packages. Based on our studies to date, the FraseSecreta not used during the time that the system is broke because the phrase is not stored on any server in Fedora.

yet we have no definitive evidence that the key has been compromised, because the packages are distributed by multiple third-party mirrors and repositories, we decided to switch to a new key. This may require changes in those repositories, but will communicate the steps that help users when available.

Among our other analysis, we reviewed the Fedora package collection, in addition to source code and found no discrepancies that indicate loss of integrity of data. Our efforts have discovered additional vulnerabilities in packages provided by Fedora.

Our previous warnings not to upgrade from the repositories were based on prevention, and respect the users (I still did not know the exact damage - Nushio). That is why we decided to change the package signing key. We have begun to plan and implement other safety measures for the future. At this point, we are sure that there is very little risk to those users who want to install or update or Fedora packages.

addition, Red Hat, Inc. has detected an intruder in some systems, and communicated with users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux here
http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2008 -0855.html. This notice reads in part "Last week Red Hat detected an intruder in certain of our systems and took immediate action. While our investigacions follow, our initial focus was to see and test the distribution channel we use with our customers, Red Hat Network (RHN) and all its security measures. Based on these efforts, we are confident that our systems and processes have prevented illegal access has compromised the RHN or the content distributed via RHN and also believe that any of our customers to keep their systems up to date using RHN are not at risk. Send this alert primarily for those who get their packages via channels other than RHN. "

is important to note that the manner in which they agreed to Fedora and Red Hat are * not * was the same. Indeed, the key signing Fedora packages are not connected to, and is different, which is used to sign packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Also, the key is different, and not connected to, which is used to sign the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL).

continue to maintain the Fedora comundiad informed of any developments. Starting today

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Am I Gay, I Want To Try

A more Ambassador to Nicaragua

Neville Cross over to a Fedora ambassador in Nicaragua. Neville

know him personally, he is part of the community of Fedora-ni, is a capable person, responsible and passionate about free software. Neville


https: / / fedoraproject.org / wiki / User: Yn1v

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Paragliding Harness Used

fedora Ambassador to Nicaragua

I have the pleasure to inform the community of Nicaragua fedorera day Saturday was approved as the new fedora ambassador for our country.

I want to thank people who helped me to achieve this: Nushio and Fitoria .

https: / / fedoraproject.org / wiki / User: Rmarquez

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

See Your Self With Different Hair Color

Finally the day and after 6 months after leaving Werewolf, was released Fedora 9 (Sulphur). Improvements

brings us include:

  • bluetooth enhancements

Better handling of headsets and stereo headphones, Simple File Transfer, Support mouses, keyboards, remote controls and other hardware bluetooth

  • mobile broadband support

NetworkManager now supports connections via 3G mobile broadband

  • X, prettier than ever Beyond

faster startup, login to the desktop environment, without you noticing

  • KDE4

The new version of KDE desktop environment, included in the distribution and its own live cd

  • GNOME 2.22

The latest version of the GNOME desktop environment, including distribution and its own live cd

Xfce 4.4.2

Since I could not miss the Xfce desktop environment, also available in this release

  • encrypted partitions

Our home encrypted from the installer, useful for laptops

  • ext4

The new version of the filesystem

  • Clock applet

The new clock applet with support for timezones and climate

  • Firefox 3 Beta 5
The latest beta

most widely used browser on GNU / Linux

  • resizing partitions

A new option anaconda to resize partitions of our record and lead to the installation of Fedora PackageKit

The new, easy management application packages and updates that replaces

  • Live USB

The option to create a Fedora Live USB with persistence, that is, they retain data changes even after rebooting

Download Fedora 9

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Store Can I Buy Fungrx In

Fedora 9 Fedora 9 release delayed: (

The Fedora Steering Committee decided to delay the release of Fedora 9 to On 13 May, due to some technical difficulties that arose during the previous week. This delay is not intended to make more changes, only intended to allow time for correction of bugs that are already known.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mental Diagnosis Of Parody

Wallpapers Fedora-ni

Byron Corrales design a couple of wallpapers from fedora-ni, which I liked, I hope you enjoy them too.

Fedora-ni 1: 1024x768, 1280x800

Fedora-ni 2: 1024x768, 1280x800

Thanks Byron!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How To Make Cool Designs On Jelly Bracelets

Practical Guide to Free Software [UNESCO] Document Freedom Day

The Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published this document on free software.
Try your local choice and implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean but it could be used to save other parts of the language idioms.

Download pdf document by clicking on the image.

News Source.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kate's Playground Office Wine

On Wednesday March 26 will be carrying out the Document Freedom Day celebration in Nicaragua at 9:00 am in the auditorium of the forest Solomon of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IES-UNI ) with lectures on various topics and of course a conference on open standards for documents plus a testing area with all the distros that have representation in Nicaragua.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Do Touch Lamps Use More Energy

Repository NICA

Thanks to the dedication and effort of Wilbert J. Rojas (Member of Fedora-ni), the fedoreros of Nicaragua and we have a local repository of our favorite distro.



Wilbert Thanks again

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Whats The Best Compact Pc?

Fedora 8 Xfce Spin Fedora 9 Alpha Released

just been announced the release of Fedora 8 Xfce Spin. Fedora Xfce Spin is a bootable Fedora Live CD available for x86 and x86_64 architecture.
can be optionally installed hard disk start or be booted from CD and USB.

Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment available in Fedora.
Designed for productivity, loading and execution of applications quickly. Is ideal for Xfce fans and for users running Fedora on older machines because of its low resource consumption, making it possible to install on computers with less than 128 mb. of RAM.

Download torrent

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Is Coby Portable Dvd Good?

Alpha version provides the first opportunity for the community at large to take part in the testing of Rawhide, providing an opportunity to get a look at the new features that are included in the next version and also opportunity to provide feedback and bug reports to help ensure that the next version is as good as possible.

Some highlights of Fedora 9 Alpha:

* GNOME 2.21 Development Release

* KDE 4.0 * Firefox 3 Beta 2
* PackageKit * Kernel 2.6.24

* Support resizing ext2, ext3 and NTFS partitions during installation
* Support for creating and installing to encrypted file systems

>> Release Notes
>> Download

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chime 2000 Windstar Where Is

New projects

First of all I want to apologize to all fedoreros to have left the blog, but between work and our new projects have not had much time to devote to the blog , but I promise to find more time to update it more often.

Secondly, take this opportunity to invite you to join our group 2 new projects like Fedora Nicaragua, one is our web site fedora-ni.net site and our online courses . I count on the support of all to take forward these new projects and thus promote the use of free software.

Friday, January 11, 2008

What Does Star 68 Mean

Several years of design, development and testing met today with the release of KDE 4.0. This significant release marks the beginning of the KDE 4 era.

The KDE 4 Desktop has gained some major new capabilities. The Plasma desktop shell offers a new desktop interface, including panel, menu and widgets on the desktop as well as a dashboard function. KWin, the KDE window manager, now supports advanced graphical effects to ease interaction with your windows. Many

KDE Applications have also been improved. Visual updates through the use of graphics vector changes in lower-level libraries, improved UI, new features, even new applications - you name it, KDE 4.0 has it. Okular, the new document viewer and Dolphin, the new file manager are only two applications that the new technology of KDE 4.0. The

KDE 4 libraries have undergone major improvements in most areas. The Phonon multimedia framework provides support independent media platform for all KDE applications. The hardware integration framework makes interacting with Solid devices (removable) devices easier and provides tools for better management energy.

The Oxygen Artwork team provides a breath of fresh air to the desktop. Nearly all the visible parts of the KDE desktop and applications have been given a facelift. The beauty and consistency are two of the basic concepts behind Oxygen.

Try ...

The following distributions have been notified about the availability of packages or KDE Live CD 4.0:

is expected shortly after its release an alpha version of 2008.1 Arklinux based on KDE 4, with a final version expected in 3 or 4 weeks. Fedora

incorporate KDE 4.0 in Fedora 9, which will be launched in April, with Alpha versions available since 24 January. KDE 4.0 packages are in the repository pre-alpha Rawhide . Gentoo Linux

provides KDE 4.0 in http://kde.gentoo.org . Mandriva

provide packages for 2008.0 release and is working on a Live CD with the latest draft of 2008.1.

packages are available openSUSE openSUSE 10.3 and openSUSE 10.2. Also available is a KDE 4 Live CD with these packages . KDE 4.0 will be part of the next version of openSUSE 11.0.

Ubuntu packages are included in the next release "Hardy Heron" (8.04) and also available as updates to the stable "Gutsy Gibbon" (7.10). Available is a Live CD for testing KDE 4.0. You can find more details in the announcement in Ubuntu.org.

News Source