On Friday November 23 fedora-ni was presented at the Universidad Centro Americana (UCA), this time the activity was directed to the presentation of fedora 8 to engineering students Systems, who already have experience with this distribution, then happily I found out that the UCA is fedora territory for a little over a year.
After the presentation of the show were given copies distro fedora 8 and fedora 8 games spin the audience who correctly answered our questions regarding the conference.
This activity was also invited Engineer Jorge Davila who gave a lecture on computer security.
And members of fedora-ni and Byron Corrales Cristian Cuadra who presented us OpenNicaragua portal.
Thanks to Mr. Carlos Leal and the administration of the UCA for the invitation to our community of fedora-ni.
Note: The following night was held at the disco "El Chaman" celebrating the release of fedora 8, can see the photos in the gallery of our website Fedora-ni